There will be lots of information coming out today. Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney will be explaining (maybe vaguely) the reasons for the BoC rate drop and expectations we should have for the future, quantitative easing (printing money), and how this will all affect the Canadian economy. Here is an article from the Financial Post that expands on this. Keep an eye on this as it will affect bond rates/yields which could affect mortgage rates. Terence Corcoran: Quantitative schemes at the Bank of Canada Posted: April 22, 2009, 9:17 PM by Ron Nurwisah Terence Corcoran , central banks On Thursday we will learn what the Bank of Canada will do next to stimulate the economy, how it will apply the now famous “quantitative easing” phase of its ongoing effort.The bank is already giving away money, setting an overnight rate of 0.25% — “virtually zero,” as former governor John Crow says in his commentary . At the chartered banks, astute mortgage borrowers can almost lock in less than 2% for... - Mortgage Wellness Subscribe to this News Feed